Julius Caesar Act 1 Scene 3 questions – MCQ ICSE -translation – summary

Read the questions and choose the answer from the options given below:

  1. Who enters the scene with his sword drawn?
    • a) Cassius
    • b) Cicero
    • c) Caesar
    • d) Casca
  2. What did Casca see in the tempest?
    • a) Lion roaming the streets
    • b) Burning torches in a slave’s hand
    • c) Ghosts walking the streets
    • d) Thunder and lightning
  3. Casca gives certain reasons why the strange things were happening in the world. Which reason did he not mention?
    • a) The gods warn men about something that is about to happen
    • b) It’s a natural occurrence
    • c) There is civil strife in heaven
    • d) The world has become too saucy with the gods
  4. Who does Casca mention encountering near the Capitol?
    • a) A lion
    • b) A hundred ghastly women
    • c) Caesar
    • d) Cicero
  5. How does Cassius describe the current state of Rome?
    • a) Full of faults
    • b) Peaceful and prosperous
    • c) Dominated by Caesar’s tyranny
    • d) Filled with fearful heralds
  6. What plan does Cassius share with Casca?
    • a) To establish Caesar as a king
    • b) To overthrow Caesar and free themselves from bondage
    • c) To warn the senators about Caesar’s ambitions
    • d) To seek the help of noble-minded Romans
  7. Where does Cassius ask Cinna to deliver a message?
    • a) Pompey’s porch
    • b) Brutus’ house
    • c) The praetor’s chair
    • d) Pompey’s theater
  8. Who does Cassius hope to win over to their party?
    • a) Cicero
    • b) Decius Brutus
    • c) Metellus Cimber
    • d) Brutus
  9. What time is it when Cassius and Casca plan to visit Brutus?
    • a) Before midnight
    • b) After midnight
    • c) Early morning
    • d) Noon
  10. How does Casca describe Brutus’ influence on the people?
    • a) He sits high in all the people’s hearts
    • b) He is a rich alchemist
    • c) His countenance changes to vice and worthlessness
    • d) He is easily offended by others
  11. What does Casca compare the scolding winds to?
    • a) Raging ocean
    • b) Threatening clouds
    • c) Knotty oaks
    • d) Tempests dropping fire
  12. What unnatural phenomenon did Casca witness in the market-place?
    • a) Bird of night hooting and shrieking
    • b) Lions roaming the streets
    • c) Men walking in fire
    • d) Thunder and lightning
  13. How does Casca describe the climate in relation to the prodigies?
    • a) Portentous
    • b) Saucy
    • c) Civil
    • d) Natural
  14. Why does Cassius think Caesar would not be a wolf?
    • a) Caesar sees the Romans as sheep
    • b) Caesar lacks the physical strength
    • c) Caesar is a man of virtue and worthiness
    • d) Caesar fears the power of the gods
  15. What does Cassius believe is the true cause of the strange happenings?
    • a) Earth’s faults and imperfections
    • b) Heavenly spirits warning of a monstrous state
    • c) Caesar’s ambition and tyranny
    • d) Rome’s trash and offal illuminating the city
  16. Whom does Cinna mention in relation to winning over to their party?
    • a) Metellus Cimber
    • b) Brutus
    • c) Cicero
    • d) Antonius
  17. Where does Cassius ask Cinna to set up a message with wax?
    • a) Pompey’s porch
    • b) Old Brutus’ statue
    • c) The praetor’s chair
    • d) Pompey’s theater
  18. How does Cassius describe the current state of their fathers’ minds?
    • a) Dead and lost
    • b) Womanish
    • c) Honourable
    • d) Governed by spirits
  19. What do Cassius and Casca plan to do before the night ends?
    • a) Set up a meeting with Antonius
    • b) Awake Brutus and ensure his support
    • c) Secure the noble-minded Romans in Pompey’s porch
    • d) Gather more information about Caesar’s plans
  20. Casca compares Brutus to ___________
    • a) Fool
    • b) Foolish senator
    • c) Helpful senator
    • d) Alchemy
  21. According to Casca, what did he witness in the tempest besides the scolding winds?
    • a) Raging fire
    • b) Hailstorm
    • c) Earthquakes
    • d) Flooding rivers
  22. Where will Caesar go the next morning?
    • a) Capitol
    • b) Rome
    • c) Feast of Lupercalia
    • d) none of the above
  23. What does Cassius claim to have done during the storm?
    • a) Remained at home
    • b) Ran back to the capitol
    • c) Informed the Senator
    • d) Bared his bosom to the thunderstorm
  24. Where does Cassius suggest they meet after delivering the messages?
    • a) Pompey’s porch
    • b) The Senate House
    • c) Caesar’s palace
    • d) The Roman Forum
  25. Which words were not used by Cassius to include him in his conspiracy?
    • a) he watches the storm in amazement fearfully
    • b) He is dull
    • c) He is not living up to his potential
    • d) He is aged
  26. According to Cassius the Roman people were ruled by –
    • a) The fathers’ ideologies
    • b) Womanly emotions
    • c) Mothers’ spirits
    • d) None of the above
  27. How does Cassius describe Caesar’s physical strength?
    • a) Mighty and invincible
    • b) Weak and useless
    • c) Impressive but not extraordinary
    • d) Comparable to other Romans
  28. What is the significance of throwing the paper into Brutus’ window?
    • a) It symbolizes loyalty to Brutus
    • b) It serves as a secret code for their plan
    • c) It informs Brutus of their intentions
    • d) It is a sign of provocation
  29. What do Cassius and Casca hope to achieve by involving Brutus?
    • a) Popular support
    • b) Military assistance
    • c) Political help
    • d) Financial resources
  30. How does Cassius convince Casca to join their cause?
    • a) Appeals to his desire for freedom
    • b) Offers him wealth and power
    • c) Threatens him with consequences
    • d) Promises him a position in the new government


  1. Option D
  2. Option A
  3. Option B
  4. Option A
  5. Option C
  6. Option B
  7. Option C
  8. Option D
  9. Option B
  10. Option A
  11. Option D
  12. Option A
  13. Option A
  14. Option B
  15. Option B
  16. Option B
  17. Option B
  18. Option A
  19. Option B
  20. Option D
  21. Option A
  22. Option A
  23. Option D
  24. Option A
  25. Option D
  26. Option C
  27. Option B
  28. Option D
  29. Option A
  30. Option A

For line by line explanation of Julius Caesar Act 1 Scene 3, click the link below: https://slothskill.com/2023/04/23/julius-caesar-act-1-scene-3-line-by-line-explanation/

For important questions from Julius Caesar Act 1 Scene 3, click the link below: https://slothskill.com/2023/06/22/julius-caesar-act-1-scene-3-mcq-isc-questions-summary-translation/

Published by Reshmi Mukherjee

English Teacher, M.A, B.Ed

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