ISC sample question paper solved- Class 12 language question paper solved-ISC English language paper solved

Read the sentences and transform the sentences according to the instructions given below:

(A) He always obeys his teachers.
(B) His teachers………………………
Answer: (0) His teachers are always obeyed by him.
(1) (A) Not only did he buy a desktop but also a laptop.
(B) Besides………………………………
(2) (A) The heavy showers of rain revived the plants.
(B) The plants……………………………
(3) (A) The men were forced to work although the light was poor.
(B) In spite of …………………………….
(4) (A) No sooner did we see a flash of light in the sky than we heard a
loud explosion near us.
(B) As soon as……………………………
(5) (A) As she has not brought a pen, she is writing with a pencil.
(B) Not……………………………………
(6) (A) Mumbai is the most vibrant city in India.
(B) No .………………………………
(7) (A) Their dog is too friendly to be an effective guard dog.

(B) Their dog is so……………………….

(8)(A) Sameer said, “Ramesh, can you help me with my homework?”

(B) Sameer…..…………………………

(9) (A) All nooks and corners were checked.

(B) No nook or corner…………………..

(10) (A) How long I shall stay is doubtful.

(B) The………………………………….

Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (Do not write the sentence.)

(1) If we set ___ early, we can return before sunset.
(2) He left the company for good and set his own business.
(3) The teacher jumped a conclusion and punished the child.
(4) Ramesh jumped__________ my offer of a job.
(5) I am a simple man and have no use ____much money. (6) My father lost the use ______ his right arm in an accident.
(7) Rahul decided to carry with tennis and give up volley ball.
(8) Dinanath is a good worker and is always ready to carry his master’s orders.
(9) Reena agreed me when I proposed a meeting.
(10) The four sisters could not agree _ themselves.

(c) Fill in the blanks in the passage given below with the appropriate form of the
verb given in brackets. Do not write the passage, but write the verbs in the
correct order.

The other day we (1)(discuss) the setting up of a Debating Club in our school. We (2)(talk) about the club and how many students (3)(be) interested in it. Then we _(4)(begin) to talk about the rules and regulations (5)(govern) the club. None of us could____(6) (agree) and we began (7)(argue). Finally, our English teacher (8)(have) to be informed and she _(9)(come) and _(10)(break) up the meeting.


Read the sentences and transform the sentences according to the instructions given below:

(B) Besides buying a desktop, he also bought a laptop.

(2) (B) The plants were revived by the heavy showers of rain.

(3) (B) In spite of poor light, the men were forced to work.

(4) (B) As soon as we saw a flash of light in the sky, we heard a loud explosion near us.

(5) (B) Not having brought a pen, she is writing with a pencil.

(6) (B) No city in India is as vibrant as Mumbai.

(7) (B) Their dog is so friendly that it cannot be an effective guard dog.

(8) (B) Sameer asked Ramesh if he could help him with his homework.

(9) (B) No nook or corner was left unchecked.

(10) (B) The duration of my stay is doubtful.

Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (Do not write the sentence.)

(1) If we set out early, we can return before sunset. (2) He left the company for good and set up his own business. (3) The teacher jumped to a conclusion and punished the child. (4) Ramesh jumped at my offer of a job. (5) I am a simple man and have no use for much money. (6) My father lost the use of his right arm in an accident. (7) Rahul decided to carry on with tennis and give up volleyball. (8) Dinanath is a good worker and is always ready to carry out his master’s orders. (9) Reena agreed to me when I proposed a meeting. (10) The four sisters could not agree among themselves.

(c) Fill in the blanks in the passage given below with the appropriate form of the
verb given in brackets. Do not write the passage, but write the verbs in the
correct order.

The other day we were discussing (1) the setting up of a Debating Club in our school. We talked (2) about the club and how many students were (3) interested in it. Then we began (4) to talk about the rules and regulations to govern (5) the club. None of us could agree (6) and we began to argue (7). Finally, our English teacher had (8) to be informed and she came (9) and broke (10) up the meeting.

Published by Reshmi Mukherjee

English Teacher, M.A, B.Ed

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