LADY MACBETH- Lady Macbeth’s role in MACBETH by William Shakespeare

Lady Macbeth is responsible for Macbeth’s moral downfall. Write in detail with reference to William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. William Shakespeare’s tragedy “Macbeth” explores the moral descent of its titular character, Macbeth, driven by ambition, manipulation, and cruelty. A pivotal figure in this tragic tale is Lady Macbeth, Macbeth’s wife, whose unyielding ambition and influence play aContinue reading “LADY MACBETH- Lady Macbeth’s role in MACBETH by William Shakespeare”

Macbeth-Act 1 scene 7 questions-explanation-translation soliloquy -word meanings

Choose the correct answer from the options given below: Answer: a) He is willing to sacrifice his afterlife for immediate success. Answer: a) Questioning his masculinity and bravery Answer: a) Loyalty and gratitude towards King Duncan Answer: a) Be courageous and resolute Answer: a) By drugging their wine Answer: a) He must conceal his trueContinue reading “Macbeth-Act 1 scene 7 questions-explanation-translation soliloquy -word meanings”

Macbeth Act 1 Scene 3 translation-explanation-exam questions

Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: First WitchI myself have all the other,And the very ports they blow,All the quarters that they knowI’ the shipman’s card.I will drain him dry as hay:Sleep shall neither night nor dayHang upon his pent-house lid;He shall live a man forbid:Weary se’nnights nine times nineShall he dwindle,Continue reading “Macbeth Act 1 Scene 3 translation-explanation-exam questions”

Act 1 scene 2 Macbeth class 11-explanation-translation-class 11 Macbeth questions MCQs

Read the following questions and answer with reference to context: And fortune, on his damned quarrel smiling, Show’d like a rebel’s whore: but all’s too weak: For brave Macbeth–well he deserves that name– Disdaining fortune, with his brandish’d steel, Which smoked with bloody execution, Like valour’s minion carved out his passage Till he faced theContinue reading “Act 1 scene 2 Macbeth class 11-explanation-translation-class 11 Macbeth questions MCQs”